Managing Сompany
Cascade Industrial Park > Managing Сompany
Employees of the Managing Company of the Cascade Industrial Park will ensure the business development of the park residents; we will use the high professionalism of our specialists and all the benefits of well-coordinated team work.
METSTROYTECHNOLOGY LLC is the Managing Company of the Park.
General Director of the Managing Company: Leonov Anatolij Ivanovich
Название полное Общество с ограниченной ответственностью “МетСтройТехнолоджи”
Название краткое ООО “МСТ”
ИНН 7704826220
КПП 501901001
ОГРН 1137746051552
Юридический адрес 142900, Московская обл., г. Кашира, ул. Ямской проезд , д. 81
Расч. счет № 40702810400881164000
Корр. счет № 30101810945250000161
БИК 044525161
Банк КБ “ЛОКО-Банк” (АО) г. Москва
Генеральный директор Леонов Анатолий Иванович
Телефон +7 (496) 696-75-10
The Managing Company shall provide the following range of services for residents:
Services on electric power supply.
Services on heat supply.
Services on water supply and water disposal.
Services on technical maintenance of buildings and structures.
Services on 24/7 security.
Services on the maintenance and improvement of the territory.
Services on cleaning the territory and premises.
Services on maintenance of electric power supply systems;
Services on maintenance of heat supply systems.
Services on the reconstruction and construction of new infrastructure in accordance with residents’ needs.
Services on the construction of industrial buildings and structures on the spare sites of the Park (“build-to-suit”: from design works to delivery on a turnkey basis).
Services on the development, expert examination and approval of documentation necessary for the deployment of manufacturing facilities within the industrial park territory.
Recruitment and HR services.
Assistance in raising additional funds for a resident’s project from banking structures.
About us
Currently, the main objective of the Cascade Industrial Park is to attract residents to the Industrial Park site. The necessary engineering infrastructure is available.
Moscow Region, City of Kashira,
Yamskoy lane, 81